Monday, November 12, 2012

Obama Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud

50-Year Document Expert Explains Obama's Fraudulent Birth Certificate - 6/14/11

Obama Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
Obama Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
Obama Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
There were many factors that hurt Mitt Romney and favored Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election. The Democrats portrayed Romney in the worst light possible; as a wealthy, out of touch millionaire who wanted to return women to the 1800's. The left wing media predictably did everything it could to perpetuate that false caricature. Obama's race was an advantage; voters of all persuasions, particularly minorities, still cannot get over the allure of the first black president. The 47% of Americans on welfare were predisposed to vote for the food stamp president over Romney, wanting the free goodies to keep on giving, despite the long-term unsustainability.
Obama Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
In spite of those odds, polls indicated that Romney was going to win the election. The economy is close to Great Depression era conditions, and unemployment is almost as high as when Obama entered office. Economic conditions became so dire after Obama took office it prompted the rise of an entire new movement, the Tea Party. Presidents rarely win reelection when the economy is in the tank.
Obama Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
So how did Romney lose a race that numerous reputable polls and pundits predicted would be an easy win, based on historical patterns? The most realistic explanation is voter fraud in a few swing states. According to the Columbus Dispatch, one out of every five registered voters in Ohio is ineligible to vote. In at least two counties in Ohio, the number of registered voters exceeded the number of eligible adults who are of voting age. In northwestern Ohio's Wood County, there are 109 registered voters for every 100 people eligible to vote. An additional 31 of Ohio's 88 counties have voter registration rates over 90%, which most voting experts regard as suspicious. Obama miraculously won 100% of the vote in 21 districts in Cleveland, and received over 99% of the vote where GOP inspectors were illegally removed.
Obama Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
The inflated numbers can't just reflect voters who have moved, because the average voting registration level nationwide is only 70%. The vast majority of voters over the 70% level are not voting because they want to, they are voting because someone is getting them to cast a vote, one way or another. Those 31 counties are most likely the largest counties in Ohio, representing a majority of Ohio voters. This means the number of votes cast above the 70% typical voter registration level easily tops 100,000, the margin Obama won Ohio by.

Even the birth certificate of Obama is a Fraud

President with a fake documents using power to prevent investigation, now wins the re-election by fraud again. 

Read also The Obama depression: Obama's homosexual America

Videographer James O'Keefe, known for his undercover videos exposing left wing fraud, caught a Virginia Democratic Congressman's son on video in October explaining how to commit voter fraud. Patrick Moran, the son of Rep. Jim Moran, told O'Keefe's videographer that in order to make a vote for someone else, you'd need two pieces of identification, such as a utility bill, explaining, "they can fake a utility bill with ease, you know?" He went on to advise the videographer that he should also call the voter and pretend to be a polling company in order to make sure the voter isn't intending to vote. He said that Democrat attorneys would be located in the polling places to assist him if challenged casting one of these illegal votes.
Obama Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
In another video, O'Keefe's videographer tells a DNC staffer from Obama's Organizing for America that she intends to vote in both Texas and Florida. The staffer laughs and says, "It's cool." The staffer then prints out a voter registration form for the undercover videographer and advises her on what to do if she gets caught.
Obama Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
These are just the known instances of attempted voter fraud. How many instances occurred that were not discovered? Obama's Organizing for America looked up voters in swing states – many who would not have bothered voting otherwise – and got them to vote. How did they get them to vote? They may have given them rides to the polls, they may have offered to fill out and return their ballots for them, or they may have voted ballots for the ones who were not going to vote.
Obama Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
Many on the left believe there is nothing wrong with committing fraud in order to ensure Obama's reelection. It is a common tenet on the left that the ends justify the means. Saul Alinsky, the 1960's radical who inspired Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, taught community organizers like Obama that dishonesty is acceptable if it achieves your political goals. And when caught, Alinsky teaches radicals to deny the wrongdoing and change the topic to put their accusers on the defensive. One Obama supporter brazenly posted on Facebook that he was voting four times for Obama, asserting that the ends justify the means.
Obama Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
Aiding Obama's win was a devious suppression of the conservative vote. The conservative-leaning military vote has decreased drastically since 2010 due to the so-called Military Voter Protection Act that was enacted into law the year before. It has made it so difficult for overseas military personnel to obtain absentee ballots that in Virginia and Ohio there has been a 70% decrease in requests for ballots since 2008. In Virginia, almost 30,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots than in 2008. In Ohio, more than 20,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots. This is significant considering Obama won in both states by a little over 100,000 votes.
Obama Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
Voter fraud has been in the works for years. At least 52 employees of the left wing group ACORN have been convicted of voter registration fraud. ACORN itself was convicted of the crime of "compensation," paying its registration canvassers bonuses to exceed their quotas. In 2008, 36% of ACORN's voter registrations were invalidated. Left wing political pundit Chris Matthews admitted last year that pretending to call someone from a polling company, then voting their ballot for them, has been happening in big cities since the 1950's. He admitted he knows that kind of voter fraud takes place in Philadelphia.
Obama Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
Strong-arming people into voting who really have no desire to vote undermines our form of government. People do not choose to vote because they are uninformed about the issues and candidates, are lazy, cynical, or are content with the status quo. Voting someone else's ballot for them is cheating the system and essentially giving yourself two votes.
Obama Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
When people claim that Obama won because the economy was improving, or because Americans generally think he is doing a good job, it is not true. He won through dishonest methods and rhetoric. Many of the votes cast in the swing states were cajoled, some legally and perhaps even more illegally, into supporting him. If voter fraud becomes acceptable, then maybe Donald Trump is right: it's time for a revolution.Obama Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
Read also:
The Obama depression: Obama's homosexual America
The Real Face of Humanism: The True Orig...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Statistics: The world population reached 7 billion

It took until 1804 for the world's population to reach the one billion mark, but only a further 123 years to reach two billion in 1927. Population rise during the 20th century really took off. By 1960, three billion had been reached, but within 14 years, in 1974, the total had reached four billion.
The world population has now reached 7 billion people. This milestone inspired us to conduct research to update our statistics, and the changes over the past 5 years are remarkable.

The United States Census Bureau (USCB) estimates that by 2027 eight billion people will live on the planet, with the nine billionth mark being reached in 2046.

In 2006, only 1 person out of 100 would have had a college education-- today that number has jumped to 7 thanks in part to advances in higher education in Asia. The detailed research and source information can be found here and the statistics provided by Donella Meadows in 1990 that originally inspired our project can be viewed here.

If the World were 100 PEOPLE:
50 would be female
50 would be male

26 would be children

There would be 74 adults,
8 of whom would be 65 and older

There would be:

60 Asians
15 Africans
14 people from the Americas
11 Europeans

33 Christians

22 Muslims
14 Hindus
7 Buddhists
12 people who practice other religions
12 people who would not be aligned with a religion

12 would speak Chinese

5 would speak Spanish
5 would speak English
3 would speak Arabic
3 would speak Hindi
3 would speak Bengali
3 would speak Portuguese
2 would speak Russian
2 would speak Japanese
62 would speak other languages

83 would be able to read and write; 17 would not

7 would have a college degree

22 would own or share a computer

77 people would have a place to shelter them

from the wind and the rain, but 23 would not

1 would be dying of starvation

15 would be undernourished
21 would be overweight

87 would have access to safe drinking water

13 people would have no clean, safe water to drink

Sources: 2012 - Fritz Erickson, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Ferris State University

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Psychopaths: How to recognize psychopathic Influence


We live in society that rewards psychopathy. If people are charming, can lie smoothly, are completely selfish and self-interested but able to cover it up, have no ethics or empathy and can back-stab without guilt, they are going to the top. Meanwhile, the honest, empathetic, unselfish people are considered "losers." This means, we have become manipulated, suppressed and tricked by less than 4% or the population, who are sociopaths - psychopaths.

The Psychopathic Influence

Are you able to recognize when you're dealing with people who exhibit behavior that is consistent with symptoms associated with a medical disorder known as psychopathy.(*) Psychopaths, also called sociopaths, are categorized as those who exhibit superficial charm and intelligence, and are absent of delusions or nervousness. Their traits include:
  • Unreliability
  • Frequent lying
  • Deceitful and manipulative behavior (either goal-oriented or for the delight of the act itself)
  • Lack of remorse or shame
  • Antisocial behavior
  • Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience
  • Incapacity for love
  • Poverty of general emotions
  • Loss of insight
  • Unresponsiveness in personal relations
  • A frequent need for excitement
  • An inflated self-worth
  • An ability to rationalize their behavior
  • A need for complete power
  • A need to dominate others
Psychopathy is emotional disorder

Psychopathy is basically an emotional disorder. The book, The Psychopath, by James Blair, Karina Blair, and Derek Mitchell, states, "The crucial aspect of psychopathy is ... the emotional impairment." According to Dr. J. Reid Meloy's book, The Psychopathic Mind, although psychopaths don't feel emotion in a normal sense, they do experience boredom, envy, exhilaration, contempt, sadistic pleasure, anger, and hints of depression.
Generally, those who believe it's caused by environmental factors use the term sociopath, and believers of the biological theory use the term psychopath. Psychopathy closely resembles Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD or APD) or Conduct Disorder (CD) as outlined in the DSM-IV. These disorders are detected using the Psychopathy Checklist-Revisited (PCL-R), the DSM-IV, and other diagnostics.
These character types, comprise about 4% of the population and span every level of society. Psychopaths can be found in every race, culture, profession and class.
Later when I'm explaining how psychopaths always mask themselves when seeking positions of power, it will help to remember the following: If a rational person tries to apply their logic while trying to understand the reason for an objective or act of a psychopath, they will fail. This will be explained in more detail later. Likewise, when a rational person hears of the possibility that a massive lie has been told to a population by a trusted leader, and they attempt to use their logic to determine weather or not such a lie is possible, they will usually not believe the truth (that they have fallen for a huge lie).
The reason for this is that although most of us can identify with small lies, we find it difficult to conclude that such a massive lie is possible. When I use the term massive lie, I don't just mean a complete falsehood regarding a major event, but also the scope of its influence (global) and the amount of people that have fallen for it.
In his book, The Mask of Sanity, Dr. Hervey Cleckley, says that even during the most "solemn perjuries" they show "no difficulty at all in looking anyone tranquilly in the eyes." He adds that that they will "lie about any matter, under any circumstances." He explains that it is difficult to express how completely straightforward they appear when telling a blatant lie.
"The great masses of people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."
-Adolph Hitler
"Lying, deceiving, and manipulation are natural talents for psychopaths," agreed Dr. Robert Hare, in his book, Without Conscience. "When caught in a lie or challenged with the truth, they are seldom perplexed or embarrassed--they simply change their stories or attempt to rework the facts so that they appear to be consistent with the lie."
Psychopaths are always able to justify their actions, no matter how brutal. They have, "an ability to rationalize their behavior so that it appears warranted, reasonable, and justified," says Dr. Cleckley. Dr. Hare added, "Psychopaths show a stunning lack of concern for the devastating effects their actions have on others. Often they are completely forthright about the matter, calmly stating that they have no sense of guilt, [and] are not sorry for the pain and destruction they have caused," which, says Dr. Hare, "is associated with a remarkable ability to rationalize their behavior."

Psychopathy is usually untreatable

Psychopathy is usually untreatable. Most therapists won't work with them because they often end up damaged in the process. Dr. Hare explained, "Such counseling would be wasted on psychopaths." Some of them will even reflect the wishes of the therapist and pretend to be getting better.

Most therapists won't work with them because they often end up damaged in the process. They feel overwhelmed by the labyrinthine mass of lies and twisted motives ... into which you will be drawn if you attempt to work with such people.

In his book, People of The Lie, psychiatrist Dr. Scott Peck had this to say: "Among themselves therapists will not infrequently refer to a patient's psychopathology as being 'overwhelming.' We mean this literally. We literally feel overwhelmed by the labyrinthine mass of lies and twisted motives ... into which we will be drawn if we attempt to work with such people..."
Wikipedia describes that, "traditional therapeutic approaches actually make them, if not worse, then far more adept at manipulating others and concealing their behavior. They are generally considered to be not only incurable but also untreatable." Basically psychopaths are the way they are for life. In most legal jurisdictions they are considered sane. So technically, they're not mentally ill, just different.
Dr. Scott Peck concludes, "I have learned nothing in twenty years that would suggest that evil people can be rapidly influenced by any means other than raw power. They do not respond," he says, "to either gentle kindness or any form of spiritual persuasion with which I am familiar with."

Where Are They?

When people hear the word psychopath, most think of the famous serial killers locked away in prison. However, most don't end up in prison or mental hospitals. Dr. Cleckley wrote, "The true difference between them and the psychopaths who continually go to jails or to psychiatric hospitals is that they keep up a far better and more consistent outward appearance of being normal."
"This outward appearance," says Dr. Cleckley, is essentially a mask, which, "may include business or professional careers that continue in a sense successful, and which are truly successful when measured by financial reward or by the casual observer's opinion of real accomplishment."
"Many psychopaths never go to prison or any other facility," agreed Dr. Hare. "They appear to function reasonably well--as lawyers, doctors, psychiatrists, academics, mercenaries, police officers, cult leaders, military personnel, business people, writers, artists, entertainers, and so fourth--without breaking the law." He continued, "Their intelligence, family background, social skills, and circumstances permit them to construct a facade of normalcy."
"Corrupt and callous politicians, social or career fast climbers, authoritarian leaders, abusing and aggressive persons, etc., are among them" wrote Dr. Renato Sabbatini in his article, The Psychopath's Brain.
"A common characteristic is that they engage systematically in deception and manipulation of others for personal gain. In fact, many successful and adapted non-violent sociopaths can be found in our society."
- Dr. Sabbatini
Most of these people are not just right in your churches, schools, charitable organizations, and workplaces, but by their very nature, they are likely running them. It is a core trait of the psychopath to place themselves in positions of influence, not for public service, but for power. "The experience of pleasure is not reciprocal for the psychopath," stated Dr. Meloy, "it is available only through sadistic channels of power and control." Achieving power for the sake of having power is the nature of the psychopath. "They love to have power and control over others," agreed Dr. Hare.
The need for absolute power over others and the wish to inflict pain for the enjoyment of watching others suffer, are almost never apparent to the casual observer. The reason for this is that another core trait of the psychopath is disguise. So unfortunately, these individuals usually mask themselves as good-natured people. If they have tremendous wealth, you can bet that they'll create charitable organizations as part of their mask.

They have sense for detecting and exploiting any weakness you may have. At a very early age they learn that they can inflict mental and emotional harm on others with ease. 

They are well aware that their mental makeup is drastically different from the majority. They have a sixth sense for detecting and exploiting any weakness you may have. At a very early age they learn that they can inflict mental and emotional harm on others with ease. They also learn how to detect others like themselves out of a crowd of normal people. Beginning in their childhood, most of them learn to mimic normal emotional reactions in order to blend in with society.
An article on Dr. Hare's website called, Psychopaths Among Us, by Robert Hercz, describes how Dr. Hare was contacted by Nicole Kidman, who wanted his advice on how to play the part of a psychopath for her film, Malice. Dr. Hare uses the anecdote of a psychopath who had just witnessed an accident where a mother watched her child get killed by a car. There's blood all over the place, and the psychopath experiences no emotion, but instead, is trying to avoid getting blood on her shoes. The psychopath notices the mother's emotional reaction to the accident and is fascinated. She goes home, looks in the mirror, and begins to mimic the facial expressions of the mother. "That's the psychopath," revealed Dr. Hare.
Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, states that, "any emotions which the primary psychopath exhibits are the fruits of watching and mimicking other people's emotions." They are adept at, "using their charm and chameleonlike abilities to cut a wide swath through society and leaving a wake of ruined lives behind them," Dr. Hare warns.
"More often than not," says Dr. Cleckley, "the typical psychopath will seem particularly agreeable and make a distinctly positive impression when he is first encountered. Alert and friendly in his attitude, he is easy to talk with and seems to have a good many genuine interests. There is nothing at all odd or queer about him, and in every respect he tends to embody the concept of a well-adjusted, happy person."
"Psychopaths are often witty and articulate," concurred Dr. Hare. "They can be amusing and entertaining conversationalists, ready with quick and clever comeback, and can tell unlikely but convincing stories that cast themselves in a good light. They can be very effective in presenting themselves well and are often very likable and charming."
Remember, most of them don't psychically hurt people, so this is about mental and emotional domination. To accomplish these objectives, they will use their mask of sanity to place themselves in positions within your community. These positions may include school boards, charitable organizations, churches, politics, law enforcement, or any position which they believe will offer them power over others. These are the places where most psychopaths end up, not jail.

A Different Species

Some researchers agree that the traits exhibited by these people produce a division stronger than age, race, and religion, which places them in a new category of people. In other words, these people are almost not human as we know it. The word antisocial does not describe someone who prefers to sit at home rather than attend gatherings. More accurately it means antihuman. Most people can't bring themselves to understand the mind-set of a psychopath. Dr. Hare explained, "Imagining the world as the psychopath experiences it is close to impossible."
In his book, Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski wrote, "The pathocratic world, the world of pathological egotism and terror, is so difficult to understand for people raised outside the scope of this phenomenon that they often manifest childlike naivety, even if they have studied psychopathology and are psychologists by profession."

Psychopath is someone who tortures another person physically or emotionally for the enjoyment of watching them suffer. They do that with zero remorse and have the ability to conceal themselves from an extremely naive public.

But, if you can, try to imagine someone who seeks power for no reason other than to have power, or someone who deceives just to experience the delight of having done so. Or someone who tortures another person physically or emotionally for the enjoyment of watching them suffer. Imagine someone doing these things, and not losing a moment of sleep at night (zero remorse). And add to all this, the ability to conceal themselves from an extremely naive public. Psychopaths are essentially aliens that look human. Probably one of the best skills to learn is how to detect and avoid a psychopath.
"The typical person, of whatever nationality, wants only to enjoy success in his job, to be able to afford a reasonably high standard of living complete with leisure and travel," describes Gary Allen. "He wants to provide for his family in sickness and in health and to give his children a sound education. His ambition stops there," says Allen. "He has no desire to exercise power over others, to conquer other lands or peoples, to be king."
He continues, "Since he has no lust for power, it is difficult for him to imagine that there are others who have [and] who march to a far different drum." He asks, "Why should we assume there are no such men today with perverted lusts for power?" In my opinion, we shouldn't because we know that they do exist, and consist of about 4% of the population during any period. "And if these men happen to be billionaires," ponders Allen, "is it not possible that they would use men like Hitler and Lenin as pawns to size power for themselves?" As I've demonstrated, true history supports this claim exactly.
Dr. Hare refers to them as "intraspecies predators." "There is a class of individuals who have been around forever and who are found in every race, culture, society and walk of life," he says. "If you think about it," he adds, "you will realize that what is missing in this picture are the very qualities that allow human beings to live in social harmony." "It is not a pretty picture," he warns, "and some express doubt that such people exist."

A 2005, report entitled, Antisocial Personality, Sociopathy, and Psychopathy, by North Carolina Wesleyan College, describes them as, "morally depraved individuals who represent the 'monsters' in our society. They are unstoppable and untreatable predators whose violence is planned, purposeful and emotionless."
In addition to carrying out goal-oriented acts, the psychopath will also deceive and create chaos for no reason other than the enjoyment of doing so. "He will," says Dr. Cleckley, "in fact, commit such deeds in the absence of any apparent goal at all." This critical factor is often the one which baffles most rational people. When seeking an explanation for the behavior of a psychopath, they will attempt to apply reason. But, when dealing with a psychopath, we must understand that psychopathy is the reason.
One day a scorpion and a frog were by a river's edge and both needed to get across to the other side. The scorpion said to the frog, "Mr. Frog, would you be so kind as to let me on your back as you swim across this river? I have important business to conduct on the other side and I cannot swim in such a strong current." The frog was a little perturbed and so began to question the scorpion's motives. The frog spoke, "Mr. Scorpion, while I can appreciate the fact that you have business to conduct on the other side of this river, please consider what you are saying."
"You are a scorpion. You have a large stinger at the end of your tail. As soon as I let you on my back you will proceed to sting me which I might add IS your nature." The scorpion, ready for this, replied, "My dear Mr. Frog, it is clearly not in my interest to sting you at all! I do need to get to the other side and I PROMISE that no harm will come to you." Well, this made a great deal of sense to the frog, so the scorpion crawled on his back to make the trek across the river.
The frog was making good time getting across when all of a sudden, in the middle of the river no less, the scorpion began to sting the frog repeatedly. The frog, shocked at this development, cried, "Why, oh why are you doing this? You said you needed to get to the other side to conduct your business!" The scorpion replied casually, "Mr. Frog, you said it yourself. I am a scorpion. I have a large stinger at the end of my tail. And yes, it is in my nature to sting you."

Psychopaths in Politics

If this 4% of the population exists at all levels of society at any given period, is it possible that some would seek top positions of influence? Of course. Remember, a need for absolute power over others is a core trait of the psychopath. Goal-oriented deceitfulness, superficial charm, an outward friendly appearance, and having no remorse, are other traits which will allow them to achieve their goals. If they are also people of tremendous wealth, they will definitely use this to further their objectives. And because deceitfulness is a core psychopathic trait, this will probably be done by creating a humanitarian front organization.
Evil people are often busy building for themselves various fronts for disguise and to further their ambitions. Dr. Peck described, "They are likely to exert themselves more than most in their continuing effort to obtain and maintain an image of high respectability." So, unlike in the movies, evil does not reveal itself as the bad guy dressed in black, or the monster in plain site. Evil will very rarely expose itself to public light. It must hide. And it almost always hides under the guise of something righteous.

Deceitfulness is a core psychopathic trait. Evil will not openly expose itself . It hides. Those who are evil are masters of disguise. 

They will deceive us into thinking they are our savior. This enables them to cause far greater damage. "While evil may manifest itself obviously ... it rarely does so," Dr. Peck proclaimed, and added, "those who are evil are masters of disguise."
Psychopathy could be deriving from spiritual influence of people of power, as we reed in the book, A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands. Look at the track record of the people who controlled the planet? They have created wars for profit and control, which have resulted in the deaths of millions of people, for which they exhibit no remorse. They've allowed attacks to occur, created depressions, and overthrown governments to further their ambitions. They have repeatedly lied about these events using the media, which they control, and academia, which they also control by their Tax-exempt Foundations. In the spirit world they have created the same hell of total control and manipulation.
People of power have repeatedly not only lied about major historical events, but have deliberately created these catastrophes for their own benefit. Their own publications indicate that they plan to install a global dictatorship with them in complete control. These people are textbook psychopaths.(**) They are antihuman!
Compared to regular law-breaking criminals, these people appear to be OK, on the surface. But as we've learned, lies, deception, and disguise are standard traits of those who are evil. "[They] come from the very highest social strata," wrote Allen.

If you were to research the people throughout history that have committed atrocities against populations, you would probably find that most were psychopaths. Although mainstream history books do describe some of these events, they don't emphasize the pattern which they were part of. This pattern consists of a steady stream of psychopaths lying, deceiving and murdering their way to the top, which then resulted in the atrocities. This re-occurring theme seems to be the norm.

"Because their willfulness is so extraordinary--and always accompanied by a lust for power--I suspect that the evil are more likely than most to politically aggrandize themselves," described Dr. Peck. Dr. Sabbatini wrote, "Under stressing social situations such as in wars, general poverty and breakdown of the economy, sweeping epidemics or political fighting, etc., sociopaths may acquire the status of regional or national leaders and saviors... When they are in positions of power, they can inflict far more damage than as individuals."

When they are in positions of power, they can inflict far more damage than as individuals.

Professor Marrs commented, "Yet, in public, they impress us as men who are likeable, intelligent, refined, fair-minded, tolerant, thoughtful, kind, and gentile men who sincerely care about such matters as the environment, the plight of the hungry and starving overseas, the jobless, and the poverty-stricken. Moreover, they often are recognized as leaders in the legitimate quest for world peace and tranquility." Recognizing this facade, he added, "No one would suspect for a moment what actually goes on in the deep, dark recesses of their diabolical minds."
Another extremely useful skill to learn is the ability to detect this pattern of decay in a nation under a pathological influence. Dr. Lobaczewski's book, Political Ponerology explains this pattern in detail. He has experienced this process personally while living in Poland under both Nazi and Communist occupation.(***) Once you realize that psychopaths control many nations, the reason for endless wars and never-ending turmoil becomes clear. Once you understand the nature of the psychopath, it makes perfect sense.

The reasons for endless wars and constant turmoil become clear once you understand the nature of the psychopath and the fact that many of are in the leadership.

When psychopaths rule a society, it will exhibit their traits. Generally it will be heavily corrupted. But because deception is a primary trait of the psychopath, it will appear humane. Its traits can be observed from the highest level of government down to the street level. If you wanted to witness the madness of a civilization under psychopathic rule, you need not visit the state capital or a major city, because even the smallest village will exhibit these traits.
When the controlling faction of a society is evil the sickness permeates into the lower levels. Immoral attitudes are projected, while moral ones are ridiculed, and enemies are created. The destructive process ends with a holocaust, genocide or persecution of some manner.

When a nation or other organization begins this process of evil, psychopaths and other deviants are attracted to it like a magnet. Like-minded individuals are installed in key positions of influence.

Dr. Lobaczewski described this in the following way: "The actions of this phenomenon affect an entire society, starting with the leaders and infiltrating every village, small town, factory, business, or farm. The pathological social structure gradually covers the entire country, creating a 'new class' within the nation. This privileged class of deviants feels permanently threatened by the 'others.'" The "others" are apparently the people who have been targeted for persecution.

The Hidden Evil

It's very difficult to describe with words an event that must be experienced in order to understand. The event I'm referring to is the observation of the psychopath or psychopathic system in its true form, after the mask has been removed. It can be described as something deeply horrific. This is a gut-wrenching experience for a normal person, and can cause severe trauma, especially if they can't escape it.
"If someone has personally experienced such a nightmarish reality," says Dr. Lobaczewski, "he considers people who have not progressed in understanding it within the same time frame to be simply presumptuous, sometimes even malicious." "This experience," he continues, "[is] unceremoniously rejected by ... [people and] becomes a psychological burden for him, forcing him to live within a narrow circle of persons whose experiences have been similar."

"Psychopaths view people as little more than objects to be used for their own gratification," explains Dr. Hare. "The weak and the vulnerable--whom they mock, rather than pity--are favorite targets." This helps to explain the reports of people being targeted by the Hidden Evil for no particular reason, other than being decent. A psychopathic program will target such people.

The pathological factor also helps to clarify why people who are, arguably, more spiritually and morally evolved than the masses, are being identified and targeted. According to Dr. Lobaczewski, these types of individuals are the first to be targeted in regimes controlled by psychopaths. Dr. Meloy explained that the psychopath's "perception of others' pleasures arouses only envy and greed in themselves." And that they receive, "gratification of sadistic impulses through intentional infliction of emotional or physical pain upon others."
"Psychopathic individuals who never enter psychotherapy are paradigms of this hatred of goodness," says Dr. Meloy. According to Dr. Meloy, although envy is not consciously felt, it is the driving force for the motivation of their destructive behavior. He describes this behavior as "manipulative cycling" which includes a "mocking, [and] controlling attitude" while attacking their targets.
"The manipulative cycle," explains Dr. Meloy, "both enhances his narcissism and protects his vulnerability." This cycle is ongoing because the threat to the inflated self is ever present. "The desire to control and degrade the actual object . . . may be fueled by the sadistic pleasure inherent in the behavior," he says.
The mocking and controlling behavior exhibited by these federal agencies against their targets, appears to be part of the manipulative cycling which Dr. Meloy speaks of. Dr. Lobaczewski's states that the controlling psychopathic faction of a society (the financial elite), recruits lower-level psychopaths to do their bidding. These lower-level deviants naturally seek employment in law enforcement, security, the military, politics, or other positions which they believe will offer them power.


A small portion of the population have a psychological makeup which is much different than most. They are completely aware of their difference. They also know that most people are not aware of this profound separation. The difference includes an emotional deficiency, accompanied by a lack of remorse, which allows them to operate outside of standard moral boundaries. They are able to conceal this difference to some degree and usually appear to be generous and friendly.
They consistently engage in antisocial behavior which includes destroying people's lives, in order to feed their inflated egos. During this process they frequently enjoy mocking their targets, which they see as weak, or are envious of. They will inflict pain upon others for no reason other than the enjoyment of doing so. They span all levels of society. Some authors consider them to be a different species of humans.
Psychopaths naturally gravitate toward positions of power. Many historical atrocities were caused by psychopaths. An organization or nation under a psychopathic influence will become saturated with its sickness. It will exhibit these destructive traits, from the upper levels, down to the smallest village.
The Hidden Evil is this psychopathic matrix which exists in a society that constantly evolved in it's sophistication and concealment since the Human Fall. Believe it or not, we live in the Hell on Earth. The year 2012 according to some predictions, is the transition point, where their evil power will be revealed and start it's decline. I hope we can all experience the day of liberation of this psychopathic influence.
The Biggest Ideological Obstacle Today 
Dealing With Manipulative People 
Unification Psychology:
The structure of the human mind

Psychopaths: How to recognize psychopathic Influence

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How Hypnosis helps to correct our Subconscious Mind

Hypnosis is a way to suppress the conscious mind and work with the subconsciousness. The purpose, why Unification Psychology studies Hypnosis, is to understand ourselves. Studying Hypnosis we understand a lot about our Subconscious Mind, our real self, and how to control our lives.

In fact, 88% of our behavior is controlled by the automatic behavior patterns programed in the subconsciousness. The result is that most people live their life on autopilot - under Hypnosis. They are governed by patterns of behavior programed in our mind from early childhood.

Hypnotists try to find a way around ones conscious mind, find a back door, to access the subconscious mind. The fastest way is to get the person into an emotional state and to get to their emotions. This creates a situation where the small inner child will come out. In this situation you're putting the logical mind inside the subconscious. That's what happens when we get happy or angry. Thus, the subconscious will be out of the conscious mind and you can talk to it directly.

Manipulative people use just that. They bring you in emotional state, bring confusion and get to dominate your logic through your emotions. However, they use to awake the fallen nature to do that. Manipulation is in fact using the weakness of person's physical mind. They act exactly as evil spirits do. They make your physical mind dominate your spirit.

Unification Psychology aims the opposite. It will teach you to open your original - good nature; it will teach you to be the subject of your subconscious mind and get out of the hypnosis (all unwanted, automatic habits learned from childhood). You will learn how to set your inner, spirit mind as a subject over your external limited (animal-like) mind.

What is the Subconscious Mind?

Experts say, that our Subconscious Mind is who we really are. It is our divine mind. Subconsciousness is where the real power lies, where all power is stored. But in fact, subconsciousness is just the part of our brain, which relates to our spiritual mind.

Most of what the so called Subconsciousness consists of is identical with the Inner Hyungsung explained in the Unification Thought. That is where all the concepts and principles are stored. These are in fact, all the long term memories, patterns of behavior (habits), associations and beliefs.

Fig. 1-6 The Two-Stage Structure of the Original Image

Since our responsibility in life is to perfect our character, our responsibility is to train our subconsciousness. Our concepts, beliefs and principles should correspond to God's absolute principles and laws.

Why our subconscious mind needs reprogramming 

Because of the Fall and the reality of growing in unprinciple environment, many of the patterns in our subconscious mind need to be retrained (reprogrammed). Hypnosis is done through words, so is the process of correcting our Inner Hyungsang (Subconsciousness).

Knowing that, helps understand why God's providence of restoration is carried through the word.  Studying the Truth helps us correct our 'Concept' part - our Subconsciousness. We are responsible to come in control of our lives, not just live it under autopilot, controlled by fallen habits.

We should be the subjects, dominating our life, not just some external, recording part of our brain. People who luck this control are subjugated by their physical desires, by other controlling people, by evil spirits and by their own wrong habits. This is a miserable state of living. If we don't overcome it, we will end as low, immature, underdeveloped spirits in the spirit world. Read more

How the Mind Works with Hypnosis

How hypnosis works

How To Give Hypnotic Suggestions Which Actually Work

The Origin of our Thoughts 
The Silva Method and the liberation of our spiritual potential -
Free Your Spiritual Mind:
HUMANISM: The Biggest Ideological Obstacle Today
How Hypnosis helps to correct our Subconscious Mind

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Origin of our Thoughts

By Y.Marianov , Unification Family Therapy 

Thoughts and the Brain
Where our thoughts originate? Are they random product of the brain? Thoughts and the Brain: Where our thoughts originate? Are they product of the brain? The Origin of our Thoughts
"The thought-power and willpower are generated in the mind. Numerous mind boggling examples of the immensity and trenchancy of these mental powers are available in the history of mankind."

Is the source of our thoughts physical or spiritual? The Unification Thought explains that we have internal intellect and external intellect. That is because we have not only physical mind (brain), but also spiritual mind. According to The Principle intellect, emotions and will are functions of the spiritual mind. Of course our physical brain is like a radio receiver. It can catch the thoughts coming from the spiritual mind.

Our brain and our spirit mind are in constant give and take. The brain can also reason and create logical connections, but on much more limited level. These, sometimes misleading, limitations of our physical mind are well studied in psychology. They are used by manipulative people to distort our perception of reality.

The internal struggle of thoughts

In fact, within ourselves there is a constant struggle between the thoughts coming from the spiritual mind and those from the physical brain. Here is a simple example: When we wake up in the morning, there are two contradicting thoughts: Our spiritual mind says, "Get up", but the physical mind immediately contradicts, "I want to sleep more". That is because our spirit does not need to sleep, but the physical mind needs.

It's important to understand this internal war. The physical mind will start bringing numerous excuses for it's cause until it overcomes the thoughts driving from the spiritual mind. Thus, the physical mind constantly subjugates and manipulates the spirit mind in this way. We all have one internal manipulator that controls us - our physical brain. As a result, mind and body can never be united. We are subjugated by our physical desires and needs.

The more one develops his spirit, the more he can sense this internal conflict, because his spirit mind gets stronger. When our spirit mind matures enough, it can naturally lead and dominate our physical mind constantly. But that can happen only if the person is mature enough not to believe and follow the reasoning of the physical mind. This is mostly about overcoming the ignorance.

Brain, Thoughts and Spiritual Influence

That's why Rev. Moon explains that 80% of our thoughts are coming from the spiritual world. In the book 'A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands', Franchezzo explains how the spirits have numerous ways to influence people on earth.

The physical mind can also catch thoughts from other spirits and can be easily manipulated by them, because of it's ignorance of the source. People who are dominated by the physical mind, thus, are unknowingly objects manipulated by all kind of low spirits. In this way, Humanistic (external, materialistic) people have stronger fallen nature and their actions end up in the direction of evil, even when they tend to do good.

Physical mind, Relativism and Humanism

Physical mind is the origin of today's moral relativism. This is because the brain itself cannot distinguish the origin of the thoughts. It puts them all on the same level. This environment of relativism, where everything is equally true, is a fruitful ground for low spiritual influence. In fact, Humanism and the four fallen natures originate from the physical mind.

Basic law of the Principle is, that when Physical mind is subject over the Spirit mind, automatically evil spirit world can work freely. Thus they are channels for Satan's work. Inevitably all the reasoning of the physical mind will end up in the direction of The Humanistic Thought - Cain Type Philosophy.

The very same way our physical mind does not see God's viewpoint and reverses dominion over the spiritual mind, humanistic thought aims to discredit any thought or philosophy sparked by the spiritual mind. So the historic struggle between the Cain-type and Able-type philosophies was inevitable.

We perform better when our brain is less active

When we reduce the functions of our brain our spiritual mind is free to take over. This is the principle reason why we perform better when we calm down our brain activities.  Relaxing our brain allows our spiritual mind to be liberated and unleash our unlimited spiritual potential.

Our brain reasons externally, so it tends to worry, doubt, misunderstand, disbelieve and mislead us into state of anxiety, depression and conflicts. Our spirit mind, on the other side knows precisely what to do; it never worries, never get depressed, never looses faith. Our spiritual mind is always in peace and brings peace in the relationship with others.

Ignorance of the Internal and External Thoughts

Our external (brain) reasoning is very different from the internal (spiritual) way of reasoning. Knowing their basic nature and different origins we can easily distinguish between them. To liberate our Original good nature we have to learn to recognize and follow the thoughts of our spirit mind.

If we are in ignorance, our brain (physical, external, material, animal-like mind) will always find reasons to disregard the logic of our inner spirit self. Thus our brain constantly denies God's guidance and that of our own conscience.

Brain has no senses towards God and the spirit world. That's why people dominated by their physical mind tend to deny their existence. Spirit mind is in constant connection with them, so it will never lead you to atheism, materialism or humanism (relativism). 

As Divine Principle explains, the restoration is mainly about coming out of this state of ignorance. Now we understand why, overcoming this ignorance of how our brain tricks us, can help us unite our mind and body, and reach perfection. 
Thoughts and the Brain: Where our thoughts originate? Are they random product of the brain? The Origin of our Thoughts
Silva Method: Our spiritual potential
The structure of the human mind
Anger: Wisdom for Cooling the Flames
Free Your Spiritual Mind

Thoughts and the Brain: Where our thoughts originate? Are they random product of the brain? The Origin of our ThoughtsThoughts and the Brain: Where our thoughts originate? Are they random product of the brain? The Origin of our Thoughts, Thought, Intellect, Reason. Internal intellect and external intellect, spiritual and physical thoughts.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Silva Method and the liberation of our spiritual potential

By Y.Marianov , Unification Family Therapy
Silva Method, Jose Silva, Meditation, Visualization, Power of thought, Mind and Body
Why Silva Method of dynamic mental meditation is so successful? Why our extraordinary spiritual abilities are released only when we reduce the functions of the brain? The answer is simple; our brain only disturbs our spirit mind with its external reasoning, ignorance and worries.

The purpose of our earthy life is to develop our spirit so we can live eternally in happiness, peace and harmony with others in the eternal spiritual world. If we read the book 'A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands', we see the consequences of living our live centered on our physical desires and selfish indulgences.

As Rev. Moon explains in the Peace Messages, "Before you pass on to the next world, you should achieve harmony between your physical and spiritual bodies." However, the perfection of your spirit self  does not happen automatically.

Spirit can mature only if mind and body are united
Silva Method, Jose Silva, Meditation, Visualization, Power of thought, Mind and Body
"Only on the basis of your having achieved complete harmony between your mind and body during your earthly life, by expressing true love through action, can your spirit self fully mature." San Myung Moon

In other words, our spirit self can grow only when our mind is subject over the body. The body is governed by the physical mind while our spirit is governed by our spiritual mind. Since our spirit mind is constantly connected to God and the spiritual reality, it naturally leads us in the right direction when it is in the position of a subject over the physical mind.

We perform better when our brain is relaxed
Silva Method, Jose Silva, Meditation, Visualization, Power of thought, Mind and Body
This is the principle reason why we perform better in sport when we calm down our brain activities.  Relaxing our brain near to the state of sleep allows our spiritual mind to be liberated and unleash our unlimited spiritual potential.

Myths about Marriage:
Marriage: Recipe for happiness
The power of thinking
Anti-stress Family Therapy
This technique is used in sports psychology and was further developed by Jose Silva, the founder of Silva Method of dynamic mental meditation. Silva method consists of the application of positive thinking, visualization meditation, and self programing. Jose Silva believed that it can be used to develop paranormal abilities such as ESP, and that practicing it can allow you to tap into a higher consciousness.

Once you understand the principle way of functioning and interaction between  the physical mind (brain) and the spiritual mind (our higher consciousness connected to God), it becomes clear why reducing the functions of the brain can unleash such enormous spiritual abilities. 

Our physical mind (brain) is limiting us on animal level, succumbed under the power of or physical desires and limitations. The brain, of course, has no abilities to connect to God or any spiritual information if not accepting the guidance of the spiritual mind.

Brain dominated our spirit with it's external reasoning
Silva Method, Jose Silva, Meditation, Visualization, Power of thought, Mind and Body
Because of the Fall however, human spiritual mind became underdeveloped and governed by the physical mind. This completely blocked the way for our spiritual development. Once the brain dominated the spirit with it's external reasoning, the spirit mind became imprisoned; physical desired dominated our physical desires. This is the principle reason behind all selfishness, immaturity, distrust, corruption and wars in human history.

Let me explain: The physical mind is responsible for self-preservation and the fulfillment of the physical needs for survival. Thus it can lead us only to selfishness and animal like behavior. Thus the brain constantly leads us into worries and restlessness. Not being able to sense the hearts of others, our brain leads us in constant mutual struggles and distrust.

These problems are unavoidable, since physical mind is not created to be subject over the spirit mind. See What is Humanism: Product of the Physical Mind - Expression of the Four Fallen Natures . Once this proper relationship of subject and object is being reversed we cannot function properly as human beings. Furthermore, this brings us into a state of total ignorance of God and the existence of the spiritual reality. Simply said, physical mind has no senses to relate to them and recognize them.

Of course physical mind can reason about God, but that reasoning will only result in another selfish reasoning and practice. This is the reason why religions too could turn against God by bringing more wars, selfishness and distrust, instead of a world of love and harmony.

Consequently, a world of true, unselfish love, will never appear if the war between our mind and body is not resolved. The first step in winning ending this war is to recognize how our brain is fulling us and come to liberate our spiritual mind.

Visualization is natural for our spirit mind

Once our spiritual mind is set as a subject our brain can relax and function properly. Thus, even our physical mind finds liberation when the correct order is restored. This is precisely what the meditation technique of the Silva Method is teaching us to achieve by entering in the 'alphy' state. In this state we can visualize and sense things without the brain intervention and rational disturbance.

The technique aims to reach and sustain a higher state of mental functioning, called alpha state, where brainwave frequency is greatly reduced. According to Silva, once the mind is set in relaxed visualization, a person can view distant objects or locations and connect with higher intelligence for guidance, a person can heal himself or others and resolve successfully any conflict. This is achieved through visualization, because it is natural for our spirit mind to immediately see and connect to whatever we think about.

This is only natural, since in that state our spirit mind is subject and it naturally knows all solutions and is able to sense and influence things spiritually. Our spirit mind immediately visualizes every word or idea. And that's not all; it can sense spiritually the reality of the person or situation we think about.

In this state, with our spirit as a subject, we are unable to do evil. Our evil, selfish intentions are product of our physical mind and are possible only when physical mind dominates.Once people develop their spiritual mind naturally all evil in this world will disappear.

For any further questions write us or read other connected articles:

A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands
The structure of the human mind
Anger: Wisdom for Cooling the Flames
Free Your Spiritual Mind

Silva Method, Jose Silva, Meditation, Visualization, Power of thought, Mind and Body

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mystery Machine - HAARP: Dangerous Weather Control

Mystery Machine - HAARP: Dangerous Weather Control
What is HAARP: 
Dangerous Weather Control

The government is manipulating the weather. Is this dangerous weather control gonna turn in humanity's benefit or will bring uncontrollable calamities? 

HAARP is (per the video) 3.5 million watts affecting specific concentrated area of space. HAARP can influence weather anywhere on earth. If you are tired of the drought and the dry weather conditions, consider that humanity will one day be able to control that in our best interest.

The government can use HAAEP to manipulate the weather for a good purposes. The danger comes from the uncontrollable side effects that are not in our best interest. Are we going to reach the point of full control? What will be the damage in the process of trial and error.

According to some documentary videos, "Build in 1958 this machine makes terrible things happen with the weather and much more."

"They are buying time to find a solution to fixing the magnetosphere that they nuked in early 60's. Scientists feared these test could cause a chain reaction causing a collapse of the magnetosphere and 15% of it has been lost in the 50 years since so fear has turned into reality.The reason they beam energy into the magnetosphere is it needs energy to to maintain its power to shield us from Gamma radiation and this collapse continues it's goodbye humans to gamma radiation induced cancers." YouTube comment

Hurricanes are unpredictable as it is. What Hurricane Katrina was just another example of the unpredictability of nature. Man cannot control what God created, unless it is in accordance with his will.

Here is where we can see the main problem; do we use technology in humanity's best interest? According to some comments in YouTube, "HAARP is nothing but another weapon whose aim is to control... if people can do complicated things, they may begin to do something better than a gun, every action must be consistent with truth, honesty, respect and responsibility for self and others"

"HAARP is dangerous, heats the atmosphere and is used for "defense" but rather to attack, the strength of 3600 (a) directed to the site will work on living organisms negatively."

I would like to be optimistic and hope we will master this process in humanity's best interest. We could only hope one day we will use this technology for creating a better world, rather than bring destruction.

A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands
Do schools kill creativity? 
Anger: Wisdom for Cooling the Flames
What is HAARP: Mystery Machine - HAARP: Dangerous Weather Control